The MediatorWeb database has been designed to accommodate high quality contributions from researchers working with Mediator subunits. Such contributions to the database will be highly appreciated. We will be pleased to add any new data and updates related to PPI of the yeast, human and Arabidopsis Mediator complex. Users can contribute to the database in two ways,

1) Scientist and researcher are welcome to visit and submit the Mediator interaction protein to this database. Scientist can directly submit or send the list of interacting proteins in the prescribed excel format, which will be further edited and checked by the expert curators to screen each entry to the MediatorWeb. The list can be sent to .

2) While we are working hard to include all the interactors of Mediator complex. For the current version of MediatorWeb, we have taken information from BioGrid and InAct databases and also from different publications. There is a possibility that we might have missed few interactions. So, if you find any interactions of Mediator subunits (of yeast, human and Arabidopsis) missing from MediatorWeb database, please feel free to let us know about it. You can always send an email to .